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XROCK began as a small station for a sim in the Virtual World "Second Life". The sim was named XtremeCity so it felt natural to name the radio XtremeROCKradio. Since then we've adapted XROCK for short.


As many businesses today, the sim was sold and others took it over. A lot of time and love went into picking out music for the auto-dj, so we decided to keep the station running. We are in the midst of getting it all together and have big plans for XROCK! We already have a few terrific DJ's on board, so we will have some really awesome tunes and programs for ya.


We also cover live tribute shows in Second Life by the JMD Tribute Band. If you are in a tribute band and would like to have a show broadcast live, please email


If you are a rock DJ in SL, and would like to do a set on XROCK, also email or send a notecard in world.

what are we all about?

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